07 July 2011

Our Last Day in Michigan

Thursday was to be our last day in Charlevoix. We went to lunch at a place overlooking the drawbridge.

Afterward we went to the beach to look for Petoskey stones one last time. On our way back to the cabin, there was something in the road. From a distance we couldn't tell what it was. I stopped my car and got out to get a better look.

I'd say it's a turtle, but you could probably talk me out of that. If you'd asked me a day ago if turtles ever have tails that long with big spikes on them, I'd have said NO.

Here's a photo with my kids, showing the scale of this turtle-like thing.  They're keeping their distance.


  1. Northern Michigan and UP are one of the few places that I haven't been to yet. I always wanted to, but ... ... ... (I really don'thave a good excuse)

    Looking at your pics makes me wanna get off my butt and actually do it.

  2. Hi Mary Ann,

    I came to your blog through Martina's. The turtle in the pictures is a snapping turtle. They have very strong jaws and seem to always be angry. They get quite a bit bigger than that one. They eat mostly fish and water birds. I'm glad your kids kept away.

